Monday, March 5, 2007

First Up!

Hello this is are you are well aware this is my first post and I'm hopping for some OK results.
Well here goes..........
Today is 6/3/2007 and its Tuesday here in sunny north QLD Australia
Its yet another day at school, here we reach a critical point I am currently a student of Distance Education or as it probably know to most home schooling, working towards my goal of A's in English and a pass in science. Today i have lost my runescape account, runescape is a well known MOMPG massive online multi-player game, i died with 2 weeks or work with me! a total of 2 million dollars which is quite a bit. I have always prided myself on having business sense and i see this work as quite an achievement as i have been buying and selling highly used commodity's and working my way up from 10k.

Aside from this still fairly sore point i once again missed my telephone lesson with my English teacher. This was partly made up for with the same teacher returning my second consecutive paper with a quite satisfying A, yehar! I am quite imaginative by nature and this was displayed today with a brainwave. weather or not it will amount to anything no one knows, i proposed to construct a pipping running down to a position close to a very significant natural heat source ie. a magma chamber and then flooding the pipe with water. This would quickly boil the water destroying the bugs and therfore and also removing salt if the pipe was flooded with sea water. This water could in theory pump water (due to the expanding steam pushing the water that has cooled along) to where ever the pipe runs. I personally cant see any problems with this system
but then again I'm only 14.
Thanks for reading GD
Joel M

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